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the Journey Continues
09 i am the fruit just bill.mp3
Commemorating the People, the Country of Kosovo
inspired by
The Kosovo International Poetry Festival

it’s HERE

I dedicate this offering to all those who have contributed to this “uniquely ours” paradigm. It is all inclusive, for many do so in silence and many with the accompaniment of noise. It is that simple essence and movement upon which Dreams, Aspirations, Frustrations, Setbacks, Hopes and Fortitude are formed.
~ * ~
This is the making of that which shall come
. . . our collective future!
it’s a Classic !!!

it’s here !!!!

$ 22.95
Full Color

Inner Child Special

Notes from the Coffee Table appeared at my doorstep of consciousness unexpectantly. Being a Writer / Poet, i pride myself on my listening abilities. I love being observant, hoping to gather some inspiration to continue expressing, not only myself from my experiential perspectives, but in hopes to write something that is more far reaching than the “Me”. I believe Notes from the Coffee Table is just that type of Creative Offering.
Everyone experiences Change. Some changes are prolific and some are subtle. When life calls for us to experience more dramatic changes such as exemplified by way of Relationship, Death and a few other potential Life Altering situations, we become introspective. In Notes from the Coffee Table i was able to tap into my own experiences of having a Life Mate / Wife transition as well as having to go through the ending of other meaningful relationships. Every time i have found myself surrounded with a myriad of Questions, Thoughts and Emotions. Here in Notes from the Coffee Table, i am sharing such introspective, retrospective and circumspective pondering. Most of us either have or will experience this at times in our life.
My objective and intent is but to perhaps touch something in the reader that is common to us all. In that, hopefully someone will be able to take the short cut toward self reconciliation.
Blessed Be

$ 15.95
In some realm of consideration it all makes sense. Perhaps it does not come together in a collective consciousness, but it does offer a reflective glimpse at our own individual perspectives.
My aspirations for this book are simple . . . i have none that i am willing to die for! I am not trying to save the world, nor am i attempting to induce people to see their own experience and / or judgment from my perspective. If we each could just become a bit more consciously aware of the things we at times acquiesce to, that is a major achievement.
So in the end, enjoy your own journey within the realms of the thoughts and convictions you hold on to with a “Wonder” and Inspect and Discover more of your possibilities, but most of all THINK !!!!
Cogito Ergo Sum
~ Rene Descartes’
Bless Up
it's here . . .

$ 29.95
An Open Letter
This Book “The Vine Keeper” enjoys the dubious honor of being the largest book Inner Child Press has ever published. It also is the LARGEST Book of Poetry our printer has ever done. With the maximum page count being 440, this offering of mine is 439. But records was not my motivation with this book. It is a great buy for the money, however the point being simply that i had and have so much to say as a Writer, Poet and Human Being, so stay tuned . . .there is still so much more to come.
In this book i have been honored by those who contributed their commentary and wonderful insights, starting with Janet P. Caldwell who stood by my side through the whole process, Chyna Blue of Edyfyin’ Graphics whose work speaks to me and for it’s self; my Brother Dr. Peter C. Rogers who wrote a very humbling Foreword, Teresa E. Gallion with her insightful critique and commentary and the likes of many more such as Regina Ann, Transformational Empowerment Coach and Reiki Master; Shamshir Rai Luthra, Teacher and Divine Spiritualist; Bill Douglas, Founder of The World Healing Day Organization and Principle in the World Tai Chi and Quigong Organizations; Martina Reisz Newberry, my Dear Friend, Sophist and Author; Shareef Abdur-Rasheed, Brother in Arms, Poet and Author; and last but never least, Alan W. Jankowski my Brother and Editor who took on the daunting task of attempting to make me look good.
I also just wish to thank each and every Soul who has cheered me on and encouraged me through this effort, and a special Thank You to Ms. Gail Shazor, who incidentally is the only other Poet whose work appears within these covers.
To all, i give you my love and my blessings and my supreme gratitude for your love and grace.
'may the source be with you . . .
just bill
inner child
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Spiritual
374 Pages
8 X 10
Pub. : 2012
Inner Child Press
2nd Printing
Title Available
Price $ 25.00

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Spiritual
165 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2010
Inner Child Press
1st Printing
Title Available
Price $ 16.95

The Wind . . . The Mountain . . . and the Sage . . . .
Poetry and Prayers
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : a Poetic Photo Journey
92 Pages
8.5 X 6.5
Pub. : 2012
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing
Soft Cover
Spoken Word CD
William S. Peters, Sr.
'just bill'
Released : 2010
Inner Child Enterprises
Society Hill Music
13 Tracks
Title Available
$ 16.95

Witticisms & Sayings
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Philosophy
160 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2011
Inner Child Press
1st Printing
Title Available
Price $ 15.00

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Love
90 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
Title Available
Price $ 9.00

William S. Peters, Sr.
Illustrated by : Margo Buccini
Genre : General
144 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2008
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing July 2011
Price $ 14.95

Books Currently Out of Print
William S. Peters, Sr.
Illustrated by : Margo Buccini
Genre : General
165 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2008
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing July 2011

Stories, Analogies and Parables
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Philosophy
95 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
2nd Printing TBD

Analogies and Thoughts
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Spirituality & Philosophy
95 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
2nd Printing TBD

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Mystical
173 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2008
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing TBD

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : General
42 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing TBD

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : General
50 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing TBD

Sayings from The Tree
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Wisdom
118 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing TBD

William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : General
144 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2008
Inner Child Press
3rd Printing September 2011

Stories, Analogies and Parables
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Philosophy
121 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
2nd Printing TBD

Analogies and Thoughts
William S. Peters, Sr.
Genre : Spirituality & Philosophy
128 Pages
5.5 X 8.5
Pub. : 2009
Inner Child Press
2nd Printing TBD

I have had the opportunity to utilize the services of Printing Center USA on a few occasions. I have found their services to be timely, efficient and very cost effective.
William S. Peters, Sr.
Author, Publisher
~ * ~
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